About Me
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Engineering at Iowa State University, working under Dr.Gulmezoglu in the MAIS Lab.
My research focuses on identifying and mitigating security threats in modern computing systems (e.g., Intel, AMD, and AR/VR devices) with emphasis on (1) microarchitectural side-channel attacks and AI-driven mitigations and (2) machine learning security.
By utilizing cutting-edge AI techniques with scalable security solutions, I strive to protect user privacy and build trustworthy hardware and software systems.
[Feb. 2024] I received a student travel grant from ASPLOS 25’.
[Feb. 2024] I received an internship offer from Seagate’s Cryptography and Security Research Group.
[Feb. 2025] Our paper “SMaCk: Efficient Instruction Cache Attacks via Self-Modifying Code Conflicts” got accepted at ASPLOS ’25. AMD acknowledged our attack and has published a security bulletin for our attack.
[Nov. 2024] Our poster, “DefWeb: Defending User Privacy against Cache-based Website Fingerprinting Attacks with Intelligent Noise Injection,” got the best poster award at the Midwest Security Workshop 2024 organized at Purdue University. (PDF)
[Oct. 2024] I received Sidebottom Scholarship for the academic year 2024-2025.
[Sep. 2024] I will present a research poster at the CAE-R Symposium in St Louis.
[Aug. 2024] I will give an invited talk on “Microarchitectural Security and Machine Learning Security for Reliable Autonomous Driving Systems” at Kyungpook National University in South Korea.
[May. 2024] I will join the Dr.Berkay Celik’s PurSec Lab as a research intern during the summer.
[Mar. 2024] Our poster on the security of Machine Learning models, in collaboration with NSA, has been accepted to the CAE symposium. I present the poster in Kentucky.(PDF)
[Dec. 2023] Our paper, “DefWeb: Defending User Privacy against Cache-based Website Fingerprinting Attacks with Intelligent Noise Injection” is accepted at ACSAC 2023